Survivor Benefits Attorneys Serving Rochester Hills, MI
Life insurance and death benefits often leave you with less than you expected. While this can be due to an error, typically it is something that we can correct. Let the Rochester Hills survivor benefits attorneys at Bashore Green Law Group do the research to determine any compensation you are owed. So tell us your story and we can help.
Life Insurance Survivor Benefits
There are billions of dollars in unclaimed death benefits left on the table each year. Could you be one of those not aware of the money you have coming to you? The reasons for this can vary. We have seen the following situations frequently:
- An individual is eligible for survivor benefits following the death of a loved one
- Someone has been wrongly denied benefits from an insurance policy
- A person has received less than they should have
Contact Our Rochester Hills Life Insurance Benefit Attorneys
As always, our Rochester Hills attorneys for death benefits can help you. After all, you have rights and we will see to it that they are protected. We do not want anything to add to the stress and grief following the death of a loved one. Our life insurance beneficiary lawyers help you lighten the load.
There are many reasons insurance companies could deny life insurance claims, which means your survivor benefits are put on hold. We have consulted with people who thought everything was in order, only to find out there will be no money forthcoming. It is good to remember that many insurance companies love collecting premiums but are not so great at paying out the benefits. Unfortunately, this is the way it has been for decades. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it.
There are reasons life insurance policies are denied, and our Rochester Hills survivor benefits lawyers will get to the bottom of your particular situation. Often, policies are written in vague terms, which could mean one thing or another, and policyholders could become confused when answering questions about their life insurance policy. Then, when it is time to pay, the companies deny the claim to surviving family members.
Bashore Green Law Group is Here to Help You
Do not let insurance companies take advantage of you like this. If a loved one has passed on, you will want to gather up all the information about the policy, secure a copy of the death certificate, find any communication your family members may have had with the insurance company, such as emails, etc., and then contact one of our Rochester Hills death benefits attorneys. We will help you to research your options and let you know exactly how this situation can be resolved. Our death benefits lawyers will use our expertise to improve the chances that the financial means you were counting on will be paid to you.
Our team of professional Rochester Hills life insurance beneficiary attorneys has been in business for many years and understand the intricacies of dealing with delayed or denied life insurance policies. This is something you cannot fight on your own, and you will want the helpful services of one of our team members right away.
Contact the offices of the Bashore Green Law Group today for our FREE no-obligation consultation. Remember, we don’t get paid until you get paid. Our Rochester Hills lawyers can help ensure your information is correct to pursue the benefits you are owed.