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Why Did My Insurance Company Deny My Claim?

Why Did My Insurance Company Deny My Claim?

Motor Vehicle Accidents

When Your Carrier Doesn’t Financially Protect You After an Accident

As much as we would like to think that our insurance company has our back after an accident, the fact is that they are businesses out to make a profit. They will do whatever they can to avoid paying claims, including denying them outright, undervaluing them, or stalling payments. You may wonder what went wrong if your claim has been denied. In this post, we’ll explore some of the most common reasons why insurance companies deny claims and what you can do to fight back.

Ways Insurance Companies Try to Avoid Paying Claims

Again, it is important to remember that insurance companies are businesses, and businesses attempt to make money any way they can—even by avoiding paying claims.

It may seem like this isn’t fair, or you might wonder if it is even legal. This is another reason why contacting an experienced attorney is crucial for settling your claim. Here are some of the most common ways they do this:

Denying Claims Outright

One of the most common ways insurance companies try to avoid paying claims is by denying them outright. They may give you a reason for the denial, or they may not. If you’re unsure why your claim was denied, the first step is to review your policy documents. From there, you can reach out to your agent or the insurance company to get a straight answer.

Undervaluing Claims

Another common way that insurance companies try to avoid paying claims is by undervaluing them. This means that they will offer you much lower than what your claim is worth. If you feel your claim has been underestimated, getting a second opinion from a qualified professional is essential. An experienced attorney can help you assess the actual value of your claim and negotiate with the insurance company to get the compensation you deserve.

Stalling Payments

In some cases, insurance companies will try to avoid paying claims by simply stalling the payment process. They may drag their feet in reviewing your claim or request additional information that they don’t actually need. If you feel like your insurance company is stalling, you must reach out to an experienced attorney who can help you get the process moving again.

Bad Faith Insurance Practices

Insurance companies may also engage in what is known as bad faith insurance practices. This means they are deliberately trying to avoid paying a claim they know they should pay. Bad faith insurance practices can include any of the tactics mentioned above and others. If you believe your insurance company is engaging in bad faith insurance practices, you must reach out to an experienced attorney who can help you protect your rights.

How to Fight Back Against Claim Denials

If your insurance company has denied your claim, there are a few things you can do to fight back. First, review your policy documents to ensure you understand your coverage. Next, reach out to your agent or the insurance company to get a straight answer. If you’re still not getting anywhere, consider enlisting the help of an experienced attorney who can help you assess your claim and negotiate with the insurance company—and in reporting them to the state for their claims handling misdeeds.

Your Trusted Michigan Law Team

Don’t let your insurance company get away with denying your claim. Fight back with the help of the experienced attorneys at Bashore Green Law Group. We have extensive experience dealing with auto accident cases and know how to get results. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation

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