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We Often See A Significant Spike In DWIs During The Holidays

We Often See A Significant Spike In DWIs During The Holidays

Personal Injury

Everybody enjoys relaxing with a few drinks with friends and family over the holidays. While there’s nothing wrong with consuming alcohol at home, problems arise when people who have been drinking decide to get behind the wheel. Tragically, Michigan and many other neighboring states often see a dramatic increase in both driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges and alcohol-related deaths on the roads each year during the holidays.

A yearly spike

Michigan’s law enforcement officers see a pronounced uptick in drunk driving charges – and alcohol-related deaths – in the holiday season between Thanksgiving and New Year’s every year. In fact, Mothers Against Drunk Driving reports that the number of people killed in alcohol-related vehicle accidents rises by 35% statewide every holiday season.

Every state has different penalties for first-time DWI offenders. The state’s laws are harsher than many other states. Upon conviction for your first DWI, you could face a few days in jail, a six-month suspension of your drivers’ license, and a fine. The penalties get significantly more severe for subsequent offenses. The bottom line is not to put yourself in that situation.

What you can do to prevent it

If you are drinking, it’s best to stay where you are until the effects of the alcohol have completely worn off. If you absolutely must go somewhere, make sure to have someone who has not been drinking drive you to your destination. Alternately, you could use a ride share app or taxi service to get where you need to go.

Driving while intoxicated comes with severe consequences for you, and it puts the lives of everyone else on the road in jeopardy. It’s simply not worth the risk. Don’t become part of Michigan’s yearly holiday DWI statistics this year, and make sure that your friends and family stay safe as well.

If you or someone you are close to is involved in an accident over the holidays, especially if the other driver was at fault for any reason, the team at Bashore Green should be your first call. We can assess the possibilities of your case and help get the compensation you deserve. Call 248-838-0635 to learn more.

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