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Summer Driving Trends

Summer Driving Trends

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The number of vehicles on the road – and number of accidents – often rise in the summer

Summer in Michigan and throughout the Midwest is a fun and exciting time – especially this year. Most of us can agree that the summer months are some of the more enjoyable times of the year.

What many people fail to realize is that this time of the year is often the most dangerous on the roads. While we’re used to the snow and ice and hazardous driving in the winter, summer months can be even more dangerous.

Here are a few reasons for that:

Vacations and Holidays

The roads are busy with people traveling during the summer on family vacation or holiday trips. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety data indicates that June and July regularly have the highest numbers of auto accident during any given year, especially around the July 4th holiday.

School’s Out

Inexperienced drivers are out of school and driving around more during the summertime. With free time to spare and a set of keys at their disposal, more teens who qualify as inexperienced drivers are on the road when school is not in session.

Increase in Cyclists

Bicyclists and motorcyclists enjoy riding during the summertime. They are not as easily spotted on many Michigan roadways, nor are they as protected as automobile drivers. As a result, they are more vulnerable to fatal accidents.

Construction Season

Our Metro Detroit winters are too cold for most of the necessary construction work, so most of the time road construction takes place during the summer. This means more detours, narrow roadways, construction workers being present and a bigger chance of accidents.

As the roads fill up during the summer, it important to remember that there are ways to help protect and prevent fatal car, truck, and motorcycle auto accidents. Before you hit the roads this summer, keep these safety tips in mind:

  • Talk to the teens in your life about safe driving.
  • If you are going to a party and you plan on leaving, make sure to designate a sober driver, or set up overnight arrangements so you do not put yourself or others at risk on the road.
  • Be cognizant of increased traffic and drive defensively.
  • Always watch for bicycle and motorcycle riders and share the road!
  • When driving only speak on the phone when you can do so hands-free in a safe manner.
  • Pay attention to construction zones and respect work zone speed limits and construction worker’s safety.
  • Make sure to get the proper sleep before long driving trips.
  • If you are in the car always use proper safety devices like car seats for children and seat belts.

If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, contact our Michigan auto accident and personal injury attorneys at Bashore Green. We’ll fight for the compensation you deserve!

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