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Paying Tribute to Our Fellow Americans During Black History Month

Paying Tribute to Our Fellow Americans During Black History Month

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Our team of professionals at Bashore Green feel it is important to recognize Black History Month this February. It truly is a time to pay tribute to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society.

Actions always speak louder than words, so we have a few suggestions for our blog readers for ways to celebrate and recognize Black History Month

1) Learn about someone other than a “famous” or historic African American

Many discussions about Black History Month center on such historically important leader like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Frederick Douglass or President Barack Obama. Or these discussions may involve a professional athlete like Michael Jordan or an entertainer like Diana Ross. While these incredible leaders and accomplished individuals undoubtedly earned and deserve the recognition, it is important to learn about African American community leaders, neighbors or co-workers who have important experiences to share.

2) Discover the impact of Systemic Racism

Systemic racism is the result of the aftermath of slavery, Jim Crow laws, and discrimination against African Americans. It has historically affected not only the criminal justice system, but also the legal system and society as a whole. Movies, books, websites and other medium depict the history of systemic racism and by learning more about its effects on our society, we will all be better able to recognize it in our own environments.

3) Support African American owned businesses

This is something we should strive to do every day. Unfortunately, these businesses fail at a higher rate. According to an April 2022 Boston Globe article, eight out of every 10 Black-owned businesses failed within the first 18 months. Additionally, 2022 U.S. Census data show 58% of Black business owners describe the health of their businesses as “at risk” or “distressed.” Financially supporting Black businesses can remove one major stressor and allow them to grow, compete, and innovate in their industries.

This February, take the time to recognize the importance of a diverse, united country and the role that African Americans have played, and continue to play, in making us stronger.

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