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Restaurant Owners Today Need Agile Strategies To Thrive

Restaurant Owners Today Need Agile Strategies To Thrive

Oct 10, 2020

In the months ahead, restaurants and bars will need to find additional ways to adapt to the (hopeful...

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Statistics For Roundabouts In Michigan

Statistics For Roundabouts In Michigan

Oct 08, 2020

We’ve taken a look in recent weeks at some national auto accident statistics involving vehicles, t...

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A Closer Look at Distracted Driving – Part 2

A Closer Look at Distracted Driving – Part 2

Oct 01, 2020

Today is Part 2 of our blog’s look at distracted driving in Michigan. In addition to Road Rage and...

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A Closer Look at Distracted Driving – Part 1

A Closer Look at Distracted Driving – Part 1

Sep 29, 2020

There are many reasons auto accidents happen but driver error is at the top of the list. While mos...

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Trucking Fatalities Reach Highest Level In 30 Years

Trucking Fatalities Reach Highest Level In 30 Years

Sep 24, 2020

Last week in our blog we covered auto accident statistics in the U.S. While those figures have sta...

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Buckling Up Is Important For All Michigan Drivers And Passengers

Buckling Up Is Important For All Michigan Drivers And Passengers

Sep 22, 2020

A key element behind vehicle safety is the proper use of seatbelts by all passengers. It has been pr...

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Some Statistics On Fatalities And Injuries Due To Auto Accidents In The U.S. (2019)

Some Statistics On Fatalities And Injuries Due To Auto Accidents In The U.S. (2019)

Sep 17, 2020

Some of the content below is courtesy of the National Safety Council website While there have bee...

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5 Reasons why you should consider hiring a personal injury lawyer

5 Reasons why you should consider hiring a personal injury lawyer

Sep 15, 2020

A significant injury caused by an unexpected car or other accident can occur within the blink of an ...

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The Importance Of A Witness Statement Following An Auto Accident Is Explained

The Importance Of A Witness Statement Following An Auto Accident Is Explained

Sep 10, 2020

One of the most important things that the attorneys at Bashore Green advise anyone to do in the even...

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