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Injuries From Rear-end Auto Accidents Are Common

Injuries From Rear-end Auto Accidents Are Common

Personal Injury

One of the most common types of car accidents is a rear-end collision. Whether getting hit from behind at a stoplight, in bumper-to-bumper traffic on I-75 or another local freeway, or even in a parking lot, the fault generally lies with negligence of the “rear driver.”

Common factors that often contribute to rear-end accidents include tailgating, speeding, drunk driving, distracted driving, and failure to adjust for weather conditions such as slippery roared from rain or ice.

Unfortunately, rear-end crashes often result in some type of injury, such as whiplash, concussions, spinal cord injuries or broken bones. Delayed pain is also very common in rear-end accidents, meaning it could be days or weeks before you know you’ve been injured.

That’s why if another driver rear-ended you, your first step is to get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. Then, you should talk to an experienced car accident attorney at Bashore Green to review your legal rights and options.

Common rear-end accident injuries

Rear-enders are sometimes described as “minor” crashes,” but even at low speeds, a rear-end collision has the potential to cause a lot of damage to the victim(s).

Here are some of the most common rear-end accident injuries:

  • Head injuries – The force involved in a car accident is powerful, even at speeds under 30 mph. Common head injuries from rear-end accidents include a fractured skull, broken nose, bruising, cuts, disfigurement, permanent scarring, and eye injuries.
  • Whiplash – Neck pain caused by the rapid back and forth, side to side, motion of a car crash is known as “whiplash.” The pain may be immediate, or victims can take days or weeks to feel it. If left untreated, whiplash can develop into chronic pain, limit your range of motion, and decrease your ability to drive, sleep, and enjoy life.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) – Examples of TBIs include concussions, brain hemorrhages, punctures, bruising, and nerve damage. Many people who suffer a brain injury never fully recover. Depending on the depth and location of the injury, a brain injury can negatively affect brain function and body control.
  • Spinal cord injuries and nerve damage – Any damage to the spine or spinal cord is cause for concern. The nerves protected by your vertebrae control your body functions. Paralysis and decreased control of body functions are potential long-term issues. Common SCIs include slipped or bulging discs (herniated discs), nerve damage, and fractures.
  • Internal organ injuries – Broken ribs, internal bleeding, aorta ruptures, a ruptured spleen, and other organ damage are all possible after a rear-end accident. If not treated immediately, these injuries can be life-threatening.
  • Broken bones – Some of the bones most likely to fracture in a rear-end crash are your skull (if you hit the windshield or another part of the car hard enough), collar bone (clavicle), neck vertebrae, ribs, arms, legs, and wrists.

Even if a rear-end auto accident is causing you or someone you love pain, it doesn’t have to result in financial pain as well. You may be eligible for compensation. Call the experienced auto accident lawyers at Bashore Green at 248-838-0635 for a free consultation.

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