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How to Handle A Car Accident As A New Driver

How to Handle A Car Accident As A New Driver

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As a new driver, the thought of being involved in a car accident can be daunting. The reality is that it can happen to anyone. That’s why knowing how to handle the situation is essential if you are ever unlucky enough to find yourself in one. Knowing what to do and how to stay safe can make all the difference. In this blog post, Bashore Green Law Group will discuss the different steps you should take to handle a car accident if you are ever in one.

Contacting the Police

The first step you should take after a car accident is to contact the police. Even if there are no visible injuries or damage, an official incident record must be documented. Furthermore, having an officer present at the scene will help ensure that everyone’s safety is considered and that no one leaves until all necessary information has been exchanged.

Documenting the Scene

Once contact is made with law enforcement, it’s important for all parties involved (drivers and passengers) to document everything that happened before, during and after the accident occurs. This includes taking photos of any physical damage caused by the collision and exchanging contact information with everyone present at the scene – including witnesses and passengers. Additionally, ensure you get any insurance policies from those involved so your insurance provider can process any claims associated with the incident.

Seek Physical and Mental Care

After a car accident, seeking both physical and mental care is important. Seeking medical attention for any physical trauma or injury is essential for recovery. It is vital to understand that some injuries can go undetected – which means that it is important to seek a medical professional for a thorough exam after a car accident. In the event you have any injuries, keeping detailed copies of your medical records can assist in obtaining adequate compensation.

It is also important to seek out counseling services or therapy to help with the emotional impact of the accident. Working with a mental health professional can help individuals process their feelings, work through any anxiety or fear, and learn coping strategies. Additionally, engaging in activities that promote self-care, like exercise, relaxation techniques, or engaging in hobbies or social activities can also help individuals cope with the aftermath of an accident.

Practicing Defensive Driving

The best way to avoid being involved in a car accident as a new driver is by practicing defensive driving techniques, such as scanning your surroundings, leaving plenty of space between vehicles, avoiding distractions such as cell phones or loud music while driving, obeying traffic laws and signaling when changing lanes or turning. Additionally, staying up-to-date on vehicle maintenance, such as replacing worn tires or brakes, can also help prevent accidents from occurring due to mechanical failure or malfunctioning parts on your vehicle.

Seek Legal Guidance if Necessary

No matter how prepared you may feel as a new driver, accidents can still happen unexpectedly at times, so you must know how to respond correctly and safely if they do occur. Knowing what steps to take following an accident, such as contacting law enforcement, documenting evidence, and exchanging information with those involved, is essential. Taking these steps can make all the difference in getting back on track quickly afterward while protecting your rights as an individual driver or passenger impacted by an unfortunate situation like this one.

Know that you should always retain an experienced attorney when navigating complexities after a car crash. A member from the team at can help walk you through this challenging time, ensuring that your rights are protected.

For a free consultation in your language of choice (English, Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Russian, Ukrainian), contact our team online or call 248-838-0635.

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