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Have A Plan In Case You Get In An Auto Accident While On Vacation

Have A Plan In Case You Get In An Auto Accident While On Vacation

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Following the challenges we have all faced with the pandemic, enjoying a relaxing vacation to get away from the hustle and bustle of life might be just what the doctor ordered. What many do not plan on is an unexpected accident while on the road that leaves them seriously injured and unable to return to work.

This nightmare scenario can leave a family financially hurting and enduring lingering suffering for years to come – just when you are supposed to be relaxing. It does not matter if you live in Michigan or you are visiting from out of town, you deserve fair compensation to help you recover from any injuries suffered due to another’s negligence.

If your vacation has been set back by a personal injury accident, the attorneys at Bashore Green can help you get the compensation you deserve. However, it is helpful to know about what you may need to do if you do get in an auto accident while taking some well-deserved time off.

Common Injuries that Happen While Vacationing

Some of the more common accidents people experience while vacationing in Michigan, or anywhere around the U.S. include:

Who’s Responsible for Injuries While Vacationing?

Throughout the U.S., many states make it a property owner’s responsibility to keep their premises safe and free of potential hazards. The transportation industry is equally responsible, along with entertainment venues and restaurants.

Some of the most common negligent personal injury cases involve some of the following scenarios:

  • Poor lighting
  • Loose or missing handrails
  • Not removing slip and fall hazards like debris or standing water from floors and pathways
  • Reckless driving
  • Stepping in/on areas that are in disrepair or damaged
  • Not providing proper security to ward against crime
  • Not using warning signs for slick or wet areas
  • Malfunction of an entertainment device like a roller coaster

These hazards are not just liabilities for commercial, governmental, and residential properties, but also businesses and individuals. Anytime someone knowingly ignores or causes a dangerous situation, or should reasonably have known about the risk, they could risk a personal injury suit if someone gets hurt.

Steps to Take If You are Hurt While on Vacation

One of the worst parts of getting hurt while vacationing is figuring out how to handle the situation following an auto accident. Even though you are away from your regular physician and/or other friends and family members, remember what you need to do:

Notify the People in Charge

It is important to notify the appropriate people if you get hurt on vacation. Whether you are at a restaurant Up North or somewhere out of state, you need to contact an appropriate manager of the business or the police.

Get Documentation

Pictures tell a thousand words and are one of the strongest ways to document the injury, the conditions surrounding it, and the parties involved. If you are unable to take photos, ask someone with you or who witnessed the incident to do so on your behalf.

Get Document Medical Attention

Even if you think it is possible to walk off your injury, you should always get evaluated by a medical professional after experiencing an accident. Many injuries have delayed onsets like whiplash or muscle strain, and the shock of your experience may not let you fully register the effects on your body right away. It is good to know in advance of a vacation where the closest ER or Urgent Care is in case you are injured.

Obtain Contact Information

It is essential to get the contact information of the parties involved or who you think may be liable for your personal injury. You must remember to get those same details from treating doctors, police, and anyone else that may have witnessed your accident. Witnesses could help prove your claim if you must go to trial.

Don’t Admit Fault

If you experience an accident situation in a cab or while walking down steps at your hotel, you may have to speak with your insurance company about your injuries. Remember to avoid talking about who was at fault until you have an attorney to represent you.

The experienced personal injury and auto accident attorneys at Bashore Green can help secure compensation for damages after a vacation accident, including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Loss of wages and future work
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma
  • Quality of life issues

Call 248-838-0635 to learn more.

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