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Don’t Let The Stress Of The Virus, Holiday Season And Winter Impact Your Driving Habits

Don’t Let The Stress Of The Virus, Holiday Season And Winter Impact Your Driving Habits

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This may not come as a surprise, but according to the Detroit Free Press, men are more aggressive than women, and younger drivers are more aggressive than older ones. That’s based on an article written by the Free Press’ Frank Witsil and information that was recently released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

We’ve talked about road rage on this blog before and while not all aggressive driving can be considered dangerous, it should be taken note of during this challenging year especially as we are at the start of winter.

When releasing the findings of its recent report, AAA indicated that the pandemic, the holidays, and snow and ice might all add a level of stress and tenseness over the next few months.

“Driving aggressively isn’t worth the risk,” Jake Nelson, the AAA’s director of traffic safety advocacy was quoted on December 3 Free Press article. “When you get behind the wheel be patient, be kind, and obey traffic laws so everyone gets home safely.”

AAA released some additional statistics to support its assertions about aggressive driving trends among driver demographics. They included:

  • Drove 15 mph over the speed limit on a freeway: Men, 52 percent; women, 44.6 percent.
  • Followed a vehicle closely to prevent another vehicle from merging: Men, 37,9 percent; women, 29.3 percent.
  • Made a rude gesture: Men, 32.2 percent; women 28 percent.

Regardless of your demographic, the entire team at Bashore Green Law Firm encourages you to make smart decisions when you are on the road, both in how you drive and how you interact with other drivers. We’re all in this together, just like we all share the road together.

If road rage played a role in an auto accident you or someone close to you was involved in, the team of experienced professionals at Bashore Green can help. Call us at 248-838-0635 to start the process today.

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