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Dealing with a Neighbor’s Aggressive Dog

Dealing with a Neighbor’s Aggressive Dog

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Dogs are not always man’s best friend. While a properly trained and cared- for dog has no reason to attack an innocent bystander, many pet owners don’t take this precaution. If your neighbor is one of those irresponsible people, you are likely in the uncomfortable position of being afraid to walk to your own front door. This is unacceptable, especially when the animal may be poised for an attack if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Living in close vicinity to an aggressive or vicious animal is a serious safety concern, especially if you live with children or an elder. In fact, almost 50 percent of dog bite victims are under the age of 18, resulting in extremely severe injuries.

Consider the following tips for de-escalating the situation with your neighbor:

  • Approach him or her with a calm demeanor. Remember, many pet owners feel a strong sense of protection over their animal and may consider it a personal affront if you are offensive.
  • Give your neighbor time to fix the problem. Whether they decide to enroll their dog into obedience school or simply keep a better eye on them by confining the animal to a protected area, these changes can’t happen overnight. Long-term changes will take weeks, maybe months.
  • Communicate in person instead of leaving angry notes or phone calls. Not only can these be considered threatening, but they will also inevitably antagonize your neighbor and make them not want to discipline their dog.

If none of the above work, stand your ground. Contact the proper authorities if you’re afraid the threat is imminent.

Contact Our Southeastern Michigan Dog Bite Attorneys Today

Our team of attorneys at Bashore Green has helped victims of dog attacks obtain substantial financial compensation for the subsequent physical and emotional trauma. If you or your child was a victim of an unprovoked dog attack, don’t waste precious time–your road to justice begins with gathering comprehensive evidence to build your case.

With our years of experience and skill on your side, you can rest assured we will explore every option and exhaust every possibility to get you the results you deserve. Contact us at 248-838-0635 to learn more.

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