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Common Summertime Accidents You Should Be Aware Of

Common Summertime Accidents You Should Be Aware Of

Personal Injury

We’re in the midst of summer! While this time of year is often filled with fun outdoor activities, it can also be dangerous. Accidents most commonly occur in the summer months when people are not aware of the hazards around them. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that in most years, there was a surge of fatalities related to summertime activities in the month of July.

To ensure your safety this summer, it’s crucial to be aware of the most common types of summertime accidents and how you can prevent them from happening to you.

Summertime Hazards to Be Aware Of: How to Stay Safe This Season

Car Accidents

There is an increased risk of fatal motor vehicle accidents during the warmer months. In 2019, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported data showing that there were roughly 9,025 fatal crashes from the months of June to August. With the increase in travel, planned vacations, barbecues, and more recreational activities, It doesn’t come as a surprise that motor vehicle accidents spike during the summer months due to traffic congestion and other contributing factors such as driving error and dangerous driving behaviors. To stay safe on the roads this summer, here are some safety tips:

  • If you are drinking, plan to have a sober driver or alternative transportation route.
  • Avoid reckless driving.
  • Maintain your speed.
  • Minimize distractions behind the wheel.

Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle accidents are also common in the summertime. While biking is a great leisurely activity in the warmer months, with more vehicles on the road, it poses greater risks of a serious accident. To prevent a bicycle accident, always wear a helmet and make sure you can be seen by drivers. If you are riding at night, use reflective gear or lights so that drivers can see you.

Swimming Pool Accidents

What better way to cool off from the heat of the day than to take a nice refreshing dip in the pool? However, most people don’t realize that swimming pool accidents are relatively common in the summertime, especially when there is no supervision. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 390 fatalities a year are caused by drowning in a swimming pool or at a spa. Drowning can occur in any body of water, but it is most common in swimming pools.

To prevent drowning, always supervise children when they are near water and make sure there is a lifeguard on duty if you are swimming in a public pool.

Boating Accidents

There’s nothing better than taking your boat out on the open sea after a long winter. But unfortunately, many people are not aware of the risks involved. In 2020, the U.S. Coast Guard reported (all nationwide statistics) 5,265 accidents that involved 767 deaths, 3,191 injuries, and approximately $62.5 million in property damage due to recreational boating accidents.

Boating accidents can occur when people are not familiar with the boat they are using or when they do not follow safety precautions. To prevent a boating accident, always wear a life jacket and take a boating safety course.

Contact Detroit-Area Car Accident Personal Injury Attorneys

Bashore Green has over 100 years of collective legal experience serving clients across Southeastern Michigan. Our dedicated team has helped thousands of people just like you achieve their goals and get the compensation they deserve. Call us at 248-838-0635 to learn more.

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