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Work From Home

  • Small Business Owners And Entrepreneurs Can Take Advantage Of Small Business Services
    Our team at Bashore Green Law is involved in working with families who have suffered a recent auto, truck, or motorcycle accident. But we also provide legal services to support small businesses, and we know that many of our clients are also entrepreneurs. That is why our team wanted to remind you that small business support to aid businesses that are continuing to be economically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is available through the Michigan Small Business Development Center (Michigan SBDC) for such services like accounting,Your Read More Link Text
  • New Guidelines For Businesses To Follow Under The June’s PPP Act
    Here’s a quick reminder of the details of the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020. This was signed into law earlier this month and amended the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to give borrowers more freedom in how and when loan funds are spent while retaining the possibility of full forgiveness. Here are a few specifics of this act that would be good for all readers to know: It gives borrowers more time to spend loan funds and still obtain forgiveness thanYour Read More Link Text
  • Remote Workplaces Were Already On The Rise Before COVID-19
    Most of us are working remotely these days. It’s amazing how quickly we are adapting, and how productive our own staff has been. Like many businesses, we’ve allowed employees to work remotely at times as needed based on family needs and other responsibilities. But COVID-19 is likely to extend this trend for the foreseeable future. It’s not a new concept to work remotely. According to Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report, 43% of Americans worked remotely at some point in 2016.Your Read More Link Text
  • Q&A – How We’re Working for You During the Pandemic
    We wanted to give an update to our clients about how we’re operating as a team given that our office is closed to the public and everyone is working remotely. Fortunately, we were set up for this possibility. We’ve had a few questions from clients already related to the “new normal,” at least in the short term. So below is a Q&A with answers to some of the common questions you may have. Q: Are you still open? A: Yes,Your Read More Link Text