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No-Fault Guide

  • Advocates for Changing Michigan’s No-fault Law Create New Legislation and Visit The State Capitol in Lansing
    In late September two state legislators introduced Senate Bills 530 and 531 as bipartisan legislation is designed to improve access to care for Michigan drivers severely injured in auto accidents. The bills have been assigned to the Senate Committee on Finance, Insurance, and Consumer Protection. Additionally, a crowd of people gathered at the Michigan State Capitol on Tuesday, Oct. 3rd to encourage lawmakers to pass legislation to address harmful impacts of 2019 changes to Michigan’s no-fault auto insurance law. According to City Pulse, a Lansing-based newsYour Read More Link Text
  • It’s Up to Drivers to Select Their No-Fault Personal Injury Benefit (PIP) Options
    Michigan’s No-Fault Law offers multiple options for selecting the Personal Injury (PIP) coverage you want. It is up to Michigan drivers to make these decisions, which can be an overwhelming choice. Unlimited Coverage – obviously this is the “Rolls-Royce” of PIP coverage. It will pay for all allowable expenses for you and your care, recovery, and rehabilitation. Of course it will be the most expensive as well. Limited Coverage of $500,000 – under this coverage, $500,000 is the most your auto insuranceYour Read More Link Text
  • The Ending to Michigan’s No-Fault Fairy Tale Needs to be Changed
    Michigan voters were promised real savings with the no-fault law reform in 2019. What we received instead is a not-so-happy ending to a fairy tale where the big bad wolf wins. Recent headlines tell the story. First, there’s the double-digit rate increases even for the most prudent and safe drivers. The “rebate” sent to Michigan residents was an illusion. We remain one of THE most expensive states for average auto insurance premium costs – 2nd only to Louisiana according to aYour Read More Link Text
  • Why Michigan Has the Highest Car Insurance Premiums in the US
    If you live in Michigan, you probably have some fairly high car insurance premiums compared to drivers in other states. While Michigan car insurance premiums have dropped significantly over the past two years, they still remain some of the highest in the country. But why does Michigan have the highest car insurance premiums in the US? Two words: No-Fault. Why Are Premiums So High? Before the Covid-19 pandemic, Michigan car insurance premiums were significantly higher than they are today. In earlyYour Read More Link Text
  • Bashore Green’s Guide to Michigan’s New No-Fault Law
    Grab our Auto No-Fault Law Booklet Click here! Available as a Digital Download or Hard Copy (7-10 business days) Been Injured in an Auto Accident? Call us today! 248-838-0635