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Motor Vehicle Accidents

  • How Do Truck Driving and Speeding Cause Dangers on the Road?
    Truck drivers crisscross Michigan and every state in the U.S. every day to deliver cargo. The recipients expect on-time arrivals, which is why even experienced truck drivers could make the regrettable mistake of hitting speeds above posted limits. Doing so may prove risky since speeding increases the chances of an accident. However, victims of a vehicle accident caused by a truck driver deserve to get compensation for their injuries, especially if there are significant medical bills or issues that force one or more victimsYour Read More Link Text
  • How an Auto Accident Attorney Can Help You Following an Accident Even If You Have a Poor Driving Record
    After suffering injuries in a car accident that resulted from another party’s negligence, your own driving record should not affect your pursuit of compensation. If the opposing counsel starts citing your driving records, you can have a car accident attorney help. They can help build a case against the at-fault driver to prove they caused the accident. Just because you have had other issues with your driving record doesn’t mean you aren’t entitled to recover compensation from a liable partyYour Read More Link Text
  • Can You Get Reimbursed If Your Vehicle Is Scratched?
    Car accidents are an extremely common occurrence, with more than 12 million vehicles having been involved in crashes in the U.S. in 2019 and expected in 2022. These auto accidents can range from extremely major accidents that result in severe injuries to more minor accidents where minor injuries or cosmetic damage to a vehicle results. Car accidents raise a number of questions, including what to do when someone scratches your car. Car scratches can come from any number of things,Your Read More Link Text
  • Remember These Motorcycle Maintenance Tips to Get You Through the Summer
    We’re roughly halfway through what Michiganders consider “summer” here in the Great Lakes State. It’s the best time of the year for motorcycle enthusiasts. Riding a motorcycle in summer is a great way to enjoy the weather and stay cool, but it’s important to take some precautions and ensure you are keeping up with your basic motorcycle maintenance. In this Bashore Green Law Group blog post, we will discuss how to keep your bike ready for summer – and evenYour Read More Link Text
  • Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents With Tips for Preventing Accidents
    It’s now peak motorcycle season in Michigan, so all motorists need to pay close attention to motorcyclists and take steps to avoid causing serious accidents. Fortunately, injured riders have recourse through the civil justice system. If you or a loved one was injured in a Michigan motorcycle accident, Bashore Green Law Group can fight for the financial compensation you deserve. That’s because our experienced motorcycle accident attorneys have helped many injured Michigan motorcyclists seek justice and hold negligent drivers accountable. Leading causesYour Read More Link Text
  • Michigan’s New Distracted Driving Law Goes Into Effect June 30
    Michigan will soon become the 26th state with a hands-free mobile phone driving law, making it illegal to hold or use a mobile electronic device while operating a vehicle, including when stopped at a light or in a traffic jam. The provisions of the law make sending or receiving a call or text message, viewing video, scrolling, posting to social media or any online search activity on a phone illegal for an active driver. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed the lawYour Read More Link Text
  • Learn How Insurance Companies May Try To Prevent You From Getting The Money You Deserve
    Car insurance providers charge their customers monthly premiums and advertise their wide variety of services, but they are also trying to protect their own interests. Insurance claims adjusters may take steps and use strategies to avoid paying damages to car accident victims. An experienced Michigan auto accident attorney like any of the professionals at Bashore Green can help you to overcome these efforts from the insurance companies. Here are a few tips to consider: A Recorded Statement is not needed After a carYour Read More Link Text
  • Rear-End Collision: What To Do When You Get Hit From Behind?
    You’re driving to work or dropping off the kids at school when another driver suddenly hits you from behind. Accidents happen, but it’s important to understand that you have rights. It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed or in shock after an auto accident. First, take a moment to check if you or anyone else in your car has any injuries. After you collect information from the other driver, document the scene. Take pictures of your vehicle, the other vehicles involved, andYour Read More Link Text
  • Appeals court: Michigan’s no-fault overhaul does not apply to previous crash survivors
    The Michigan Court of Appeals has confirmed that those injured in an auto accident before Michigan’s No-Fault Law was changed in 2019 still have access to the unlimited healthcare benefits that were available before the change. This is a great development for all Michigan residents and the ruling is applauded by the team at Bashore Green. Read more in this Detroit Free Press article and contact us at 248-838-0635  for questions.
  • What you need to know about compensation for RV-related accidents
    Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, recreational vehicle rentals have skyrocketed. Between travel restrictions between states and the temporary closure of many restaurants and attractions, RV travel became appealing to many. Families may see RV travel as a fun way to see the country. Unfortunately, this means a higher risk of RV accidents. RVs present unique safety concerns that can increase the risk of accidents or worsen their severity. If you have been injured in an RV accident, it is importantYour Read More Link Text
  • Common Summertime Accidents You Should Be Aware Of
    We’re in the midst of summer! While this time of year is often filled with fun outdoor activities, it can also be dangerous. Accidents most commonly occur in the summer months when people are not aware of the hazards around them. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that in most years, there was a surge of fatalities related to summertime activities in the month of July. To ensure your safety this summer, it’s crucial toYour Read More Link Text
  • Why Did My Insurance Company Deny My Claim?
    When Your Carrier Doesn’t Financially Protect You After an Accident As much as we would like to think that our insurance company has our back after an accident, the fact is that they are businesses out to make a profit. They will do whatever they can to avoid paying claims, including denying them outright, undervaluing them, or stalling payments. You may wonder what went wrong if your claim has been denied. In this post, we’ll explore some of the most commonYour Read More Link Text
  • Staying Safe on a Motorcycle
    Consider these tips when riding your motorcycles this summer Motorcycles are a Michigan summer tradition and the vast majority of riders do so with safety in mind. They are careful to follow the rules of the road and communicate with other motorists properly through proper signaling. Unfortunately, other drivers may not be as familiar with how to share the road with riders, which can lead to dangerous accidents. In 2019, the number of motorcyclists who died in collisions dropped byYour Read More Link Text
  • The Biggest Mistakes Drivers Make In Winter
    Unplowed snow and icy roads are a huge problem for American drivers. In a given year, roughly 156,000 crashes (about 1-in-50 accidents) will be the direct result of drivers losing control of their vehicle in winter weather. But why do so many drivers struggle with snow and ice? To answer this, we need to look at the biggest mistakes drivers make in winter. Driving Too Fast When the roads are wet or icy, your tires have less grip (traction). ThatYour Read More Link Text
  • Be Careful When Making Any Statements to Your Auto Insurance Company Following an Automobile or Truck Accident
    After you have been in a car crash and reported it to your insurance provider, you can expect the insurer will reach out and request you give a recorded statement on the accident. But what exactly is a recorded statement, why do insurers need it, and what should you tell them? Why do insurers want recorded statements? Insurance companies are businesses. And while their goals are often to help, they are driven by profits too. Just because your insurer is your insurerYour Read More Link Text
  • Why Are There More Potholes in Spring?
    Each year as the snow melts in Michigan, it seems there are many more potholes than there were before. That’s not your imagination. The truth is that there are more potholes each spring because of water freezing and unfreezing on the roads, causing cracks and creases. But where do these potholes come from and why do they matter? Let’s take a closer look. Expand and Contract The most basic road material, asphalt, is porous. That means it is full ofYour Read More Link Text
  • How a Lack of Sleep Can Be Disastrous When You’re Behind the Wheel
    Fatigue is one of the leading causes of automobile accidents in the country today. As much as you may try to stay awake, you can find yourself nodding off behind the wheel, especially when you are driving long distances. However, when your fatigue has contributed to a serious vehicle accident, you need to take steps now to protect yourself from criminal and legal liabilities. That’s why you need an auto accident attorney to represent you in any criminal or civil action followingYour Read More Link Text
  • If another vehicle’s debris hit your vehicle and causes injuries, you should contact an auto accident lawyer
    If another car hits your vehicle in Michigan, it’s usually not hard to figure out who was responsible for the accident. State law indicates that there must be a driver who is identified as being at fault. However, if road debris hits your vehicle, liability can be more difficult to determine. Many questions arise from this type of unique situation, such as: Are other drivers responsible for accidents caused by road debris? and: Can you take someone to court afterYour Read More Link Text
  • What Happens When A Rideshare Driver Gets Into An Accident?
    Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare companies have all but replaced old fashioned taxi services in many areas. The ease and convenience of ordering a ride through a smartphone app have made these services an indispensable means of transport for many people. Unfortunately, Uber drivers are also involved in auto accidents, resulting in both property damage and injuries. Determining who is legally liable in these types of accidents is the same as any other automotive crash – an injured plaintiff mustYour Read More Link Text
  • How To Ensure Evidence Is Gathered At The Scene Of Your Accident
    A police report is often, but not always, an important part of a personal injury claim. When you report an accident, the insurance adjuster will ask for the police report and may make their initial determination of who was at fault based primarily on the responding law enforcement officer’s report. But what happens if you don’t have one? It is possible to be in an accident and for the police to not respond to your accident. There could be aYour Read More Link Text
  • Auto Accidents That Cause Whiplash-Related Injuries Can Be Expensive
    Whiplash injuries caused by an auto accident are extremely unpredictable. Even a moderate car, truck, or motorcycle accident may cause symptoms for weeks or months at a time. More severe whiplash may involve traumatic brain injury and lifelong consequences for the victim. Our team of personal injury attorneys understands how serious a whiplash injury can be. If you or someone close to you has been injured in this type of accident, you will want to pay close attention to anyYour Read More Link Text
  • Addressing Common Myths With Auto Accidents
    If you have been in an auto accident, it can be difficult to know what to do following the incident. Given the stress and pain from an injury you are likely to be experiencing, it may be difficult to process your next steps. Nevertheless, following an auto accident or truck accident in Metro Detroit or anywhere in Michigan, you will want to keep calm and take steps that will help you deal with the situation. Below are several myths surroundingYour Read More Link Text
  • Delivery Truck Accidents With Motorists Are On The Rise
    It is any driver’s nightmare to get in an accident with a commercial truck. The huge size and weight of the truck can easily lead to catastrophic injuries and fatalities. Claiming compensation for damages can be extremely difficult for injured victims and bereaved families in Michigan to further complicate the issue. Unfortunately, large-truck accidents around the U.S. have been rising in the past decade. A spike in delivery truck crashes has been reported since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic,Your Read More Link Text
  • What If Police Don’t Come After a Serious Crash?
    You’re waiting on the side of the road after a serious wreck. You’ve already exchanged information, taken pictures, and called the police. But it’s been almost an hour, and there’s still no sign of an officer on the way. That raises the question, what if police don’t come after a serious crash? At the Scene While waiting for police, you should try to get contact information from bystanders and other drivers who witnessed the crash firsthand. Ideally, you want themYour Read More Link Text
  • Car And Truck Accident Data Shows That Properly Using Your Mirrors Can Reduce Your Chances Of Serious Injuries
    Car accidents are an unfortunate part of everyday life, but many can be avoided. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) compile annual traffic fatality statistics to track various trends for public reporting. For example, in 2019 in the United States: There were 33,654 fatal motor vehicle crashes. There were 36,096 deaths resulting from those motor vehicle crashes. There were 11.2 deaths per 100,000 people. There were 1.13 deaths for every 100Your Read More Link Text
  • Have A Plan In Case You Get In An Auto Accident While On Vacation
    Following the challenges we have all faced with the pandemic, enjoying a relaxing vacation to get away from the hustle and bustle of life might be just what the doctor ordered. What many do not plan on is an unexpected accident while on the road that leaves them seriously injured and unable to return to work. This nightmare scenario can leave a family financially hurting and enduring lingering suffering for years to come – just when you are supposed to be relaxing.Your Read More Link Text
  • Avoid These Common Mistakes Following An Auto Accident
    When you are hurt in an auto accident, how you respond to the situation can impact the ability to receive the compensation you deserve. But this can be tricky. After an accident, victims often make mistakes that prevent them from getting the compensation they deserve. While you may already understand what you need to do after an accident, it’s also important to understand what not to do after an accident. Ensuring that you don’t make a common mistake after an autoYour Read More Link Text
  • Determining Who Pays Your Medical Bills After A Motor Vehicle Accident Can Be Complex
    The responsibility for paying your medical bills that result from a motor vehicle accident can be a very complex topic in the state of Michigan. Every situation is different, and it is important to consider the nuances of Michigan auto law when considering the possibilities. As you probably know, Michigan is a “No-Fault” state, which means the state allows any party involved in a motor vehicle accident to gain benefits from their insurance companies, no matter whose fault it was. It shouldYour Read More Link Text
  • How Road Safety Is Threatened By Slow Drivers
    Slow drivers are not an unusual sight on the highways and local roads of Metro Detroit and throughout Michigan. Drivers who travel well below the speed limit and hinder traffic may be subject to a violation. That may come as a surprise to some people, but it makes sense, considering what a threat these drivers can be to road safety. Yet other drivers make mistakes or have careless habits on the road as well by tailgating and passing the slow driversYour Read More Link Text
  • Selling Your Vehicle Does Bring Risks To The Buyer And Seller In Case An Accident Was To Occur
    Selling your vehicle to another consumer can be a risk since you are not afforded the same protections and warranties that the manufacturer or an authorized dealer would typically provide. On the other hand, if you are the buyer, you have no recourse against the private seller of a vehicle if something goes wrong after the sale. If the seller has taken all legally required steps to complete the sale and has not lied or made any misrepresentations, the sellerYour Read More Link Text
  • Steps To Take Following An Auto Accident
    Establishing who is at fault is one of the key aspects of any car accident claim. Even though one driver may be completely at fault, the liability may be shared between two or more of the drivers involved in the accident depending on what happened. Third parties may be liable as well. After the accident, you believe you know who is at fault – especially if the other driver was driving recklessly before the crash. However, negligence in a car accident claimYour Read More Link Text
  • The Causes Of Semi-Truck Accidents
    Being involved in a car accident is one of the most terrifying experiences one can have but an accident that involves a passenger vehicle and a semi-truck in southeastern Michigan has even greater potential for serious injuries. Why truck accidents can be so dangerous. The Institute for Highway Safety has indicated that a fully loaded semi-truck weighs 20-30 times more than a passenger car. Many of these trucks offer ground clearance height that would allow smaller vehicles to slide underneath them. Semi-trucksYour Read More Link Text
  • What You Need To Know About Michigan’s Auto Accident Statute
    We have written about Michigan’s new no-fault law quite a bit on this blog, but this week we wanted to go over a few facts about the state’s statute relating to auto accidents. First, it is important to remember that most vehicle accident claims are paid by an insurance company. Our current no-fault system is set up so that both drivers in any accident are financially protected through “first—party benefits” (those directly involved). No-fault benefits are paid by each driver’s insuranceYour Read More Link Text
  • Checking Your Brakes Is A Great Way To Lessen The Chance Of An Accident
    The safety of you and those you love while on the road can depend on how well your brakes are working, so it is essential to make sure they are in good shape. Many drivers may not even realize that their brake pads have worn down until they are forced to stop immediately – and then it might be too late. While it’s never the wrong time for a brake inspection, in certain circumstances, it should be a priority. HereYour Read More Link Text
  • Additional winter driving statistics of interest for Michigan residents
    As we have talked about in the past on this blog, winter weather is upon us and can be a challenge for Michigan drivers. The pervasive chill can make vehicles stall, black ice on roadways could turn them into proverbial skating rinks, and freshly fallen snow being blown by the wind will significantly affect visibility. All these factors can make potentially injury-causing car accidents more likely in the wintertime. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reportYour Read More Link Text
  • Statistics For Roundabouts In Michigan
    We’ve taken a look in recent weeks at some national auto accident statistics involving vehicles, trucks, and even pedestrians. We now wanted to turn to a local issue that has arisen over the last decade, as more roundabouts have been constructed in metro Detroit. Studies have shown that roundabouts are safer than traditional stop signs or signal-controlled intersections. Roundabouts reduced injury crashes by 75 percent at intersections where stop signs or signals were previously used for traffic control, according to a study by the Insurance InstituteYour Read More Link Text
  • Trucking Fatalities Reach Highest Level In 30 Years
    Last week in our blog we covered auto accident statistics in the U.S. While those figures have stabilized over the last couple of decades, and in fact have seen some slight decreases since 2015, accidents involving commercial trucks appears to be rising according to 2018 data outlined in an October 2019 article. The data indicated that trucker deaths continue to rise and are at their highest level in more than 30 years, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. A total ofYour Read More Link Text
  • Remember To Secure A Copy Of A Police Report Following A Car Accident
    Serious car accidents will undoubtedly draw police, fire, and EMTs to the scene. In most cases, a police report will be completed as part of the procedure. While this seems pretty standard, many people don’t realize that you should complete a police report even for a minor vehicle accident or accidents causing only minor injuries. It is important to complete a police report because it verifies accident information for your insurance company, and also will be an important part of any civilYour Read More Link Text
  • What To Expect When Meeting With Us After An Auto Accident
    We wanted to provide a reminder about what is needed when you bring a possible auto accident case to the team at Bashore Green. Remember that having accurate information is the key to any case. We will want to get details from you about the accident, your injuries, what transpired on the scene after the accident, and more. With your consent, we will want to compile information about any medical care you received following the accident. It will be important to reviewYour Read More Link Text
  • No-Fault Is No Good For Michigan Residents
    Michigan’s “new” No-Fault Law goes into effect beginning tomorrow. We have provided you updates (perhaps “warnings” is the more appropriate word to describe it) of what to expect in several of our blogs over the last few months. Simply put, the new No-Fault Law allows Michigan drivers to select PIP medical coverage options ranging from unlimited to no coverage under the guise of a rate cut. The new law includes other changes ranging from time and pays rate limits on family member-providedYour Read More Link Text
  • How Motorcycle Accidents Can Differ As Riders Hit The Roads
    As we get closer to summer, we wanted to review some of the differences between motorcycle accidents and how they are different from a legal perspective compared to an automobile accident. The fact is that motorcyclists while following the same laws of the road as automobile drivers, must also possess certain safety equipment and licensing which varies by state. Personal injury claims require an entirely new set of criteria and a timeline for proving a motorcyclist is entitled to compensation. Anything fromYour Read More Link Text
  • Lawsuits Are Being Brought Against Insurance Carriers – You Might Have A Case As Well
    Disasters happen. House fires, car accidents, floods, and more. Insurance exists to cover individuals and businesses when these issues happen. Yet most of us have discovered that carriers may not always be there for us. Nothing can be more disastrous than the COVID-19 pandemic. And companies are bringing lawsuits against these carriers who are telling their clients that their Business Interruption policy doesn’t cover all the issues that have adversely impacted business owners during this time. The first question to ask isYour Read More Link Text
  • Truck Drivers Are Essential To Our Economy And Our Well-Being
    There are so many professionals in a wide variety of industries on the front lines of fighting this pandemic. From doctors, nurses, and other healthcare practitioners to law enforcement, first responders, military members, grocers and even bankers, many of our friends, family members, and neighbors deserve thanks and gratitude. One of the things we are learning now is how critical commercial transportation is – not just in our economy but as a true necessity in our society. According to theYour Read More Link Text