Injuries Don't Take Days Off.
Neither Do We.


  • Business Interruptions: Legal Considerations and Strategies for Overcoming Unexpected Challenges
    Running a business comes with its challenges, and perhaps one of the most difficult challenges is dealing with unexpected business interruptions. Business interruptions can occur in many forms, such as natural disasters, accidents, employee disputes, and pandemics. When these situations arise, a business leader’s focus shifts from managing the business to mitigating the effect of the interruption on the company’s employees, stakeholders, customers, and vendors. Protecting Against Business Interruptions: Business owners must ensure that their businesses are protected against interruptions. To doYour Read More Link Text
  • What Happens When A Rideshare Driver Gets Into An Accident?
    Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare companies have all but replaced old fashioned taxi services in many areas. The ease and convenience of ordering a ride through a smartphone app have made these services an indispensable means of transport for many people. Unfortunately, Uber drivers are also involved in auto accidents, resulting in both property damage and injuries. Determining who is legally liable in these types of accidents is the same as any other automotive crash – an injured plaintiff mustYour Read More Link Text
  • Bashore Green Law Firm names Moira Ogedegbe-Groves Partner
    PONTIAC – Bashore Green Law Firm, a leading auto accident and personal injury law firm serving clients in metro Detroit and throughout the state of Michigan, has announced the promotion of Moira Ogedegbe-Groves as Partner. Moira has been with Bashore Green since 2016 and has long been a legal and personal advocate for clients who have experienced physician and financial issues after being injured in an auto accident. She is a licensed attorney on two continents, having grown up inYour Read More Link Text
  • Leading Cause of Workplace Fatalities
    What is the leading cause of workplace fatalities? It may be surprising to some, but motor vehicle accidents are the overwhelming leading cause of workplace fatalities in the U.S. In fact, car accidents and truck accidents account for 40% of job-related deaths each year, according to the National Safety Council. Motor vehicle accidents are the first or second cause of job-related death across all industry groups. Motor vehicle workplace deaths by industry All workers can be at risk of a fatal work-relatedYour Read More Link Text
  • Here is How Our Contingent Fee Process Works
    It’s important to note that at Bashore Green, we handle cases on a “contingent fee” basis. This means our fee is “contingent” (or dependent) on the outcome of your case. In other words, we don’t get paid unless your case settles or goes to trial and wins. It is important for you to note how this works, so here’s a short Q&A of how the contingent fee process works at Bashore Green: What is a typical contingent fee? Like mostYour Read More Link Text
  • Small Business Owners And Entrepreneurs Can Take Advantage Of Small Business Services
    Our team at Bashore Green Law is involved in working with families who have suffered a recent auto, truck, or motorcycle accident. But we also provide legal services to support small businesses, and we know that many of our clients are also entrepreneurs. That is why our team wanted to remind you that small business support to aid businesses that are continuing to be economically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is available through the Michigan Small Business Development Center (Michigan SBDC) for such services like accounting,Your Read More Link Text