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Be Prepared For Opening Your Workplace Back Up

Be Prepared For Opening Your Workplace Back Up

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We have had discussions at Bashore Green about when to open our office up to the public in the days and weeks ahead. Our team has been able to meet client needs while working remotely, but all the video conferences in the world can’t replace the collaboration and camaraderie we have built with our employees over the years by working together in one office.

So when it is allowed, our offices will open soon but when they do, things will look different. We’ll likely limit the number of clients that can visit the office at one time. Entry to the common kitchen area will be regulated by our employees so it is not overcrowded. No more group pizza lunches either. We may still have a part of our team members working from home as part of a rotating schedule so we can better promote social distancing. Hand sanitizer will be omnipresent! And while we have a pretty clean group of professionals, every employee will be responsible for cleaning their work area at the end of the day.

All of us will face similar changes in our work lives. Yet the work goes on and we are very thankful for those clients who have chosen to work with Bashore Green. The partners, including Lionel and Kevin, are also very thankful for the dedication our team has shown over these past two and a half months. As much as could be said, we haven’t skipped a beat, missed any deadlines, failed to respond to clients, and more.

We hope wherever you or your family members work that they are providing a safe and versatile work environment. If you are a small business owner or in management, we encourage you to create sensible guidelines that help to create a safe atmosphere for your customers, clients, and employees. The CDC has guidance for workplace initiatives to address COVID-19 in office buildings and disinfectant guidance for reopening along with other recommendations on its website.

You can also contact us for any questions given our business law background. We’re happy to help.

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