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What Can a Seatbelt Do for You?

What Can a Seatbelt Do for You?

Personal Injury

Our experienced auto accident attorneys at Bashore Green want you to stay safe. We all know that seat belts keep us safe in the event of a car accident. Not only that, but it’s also the law in Michigan that front-seat drivers and passengers must wear a seat belt.

What you may not realize is how important a seat belt is in everyday life. Below are some of the reasons why wearing a seat belt ANYWHERE in a moving vehicle is important:

1. You’re Held in Place

This is the most evident and significant advantage of belting yourself in. Car accidents generate a tremendous amount of force. Holding on or bracing yourself will not be enough to possibly prevent injury if you aren’t properly secured in your seat with a seat belt. As a result, you may be thrown out of the car, causing severe injury or even death.

2. You’ll Protect Your Passengers

Many people are unaware that passengers or items that are not properly restrained may cause injuries. During a crash, you could tumble around inside the vehicle if you aren’t correctly buckled up. Not only will this increase your chances of being hurt, but it can also cause injuries to your passengers. It is not always possible to avoid an injury as a result of an external impact or roll but by wearing a seat belt, you can greatly improve your chances of staying safe and walking away from a car accident without severe injuries.

3. You’ll Increase the Likelihood that Your Airbag will Save You

It’s not just seat belts that can save you in the event of a car crash, but also another useful protection feature are the airbags. It is important to remember that airbags are intended to be used in conjunction with seat belts. Do not depend solely on the airbag to save you. You’re still risking being thrown out of the car if you’re not properly belted in.

Did you know that if you don’t wear a seatbelt and a sudden crash occurs, the airbags are not as effective? This is because you aren’t properly restrained in your seat. If you are not wearing a seat belt, you risk the possibility of the impact swinging you to the side or even possibly falling out of the vehicle, making the airbags ineffective in protecting you from injury.

4. You’ll Have a Better Chance of Avoiding Legal Issues

If the safety benefits aren’t enough to persuade you to buckle up, the threat of legal consequences should be. Many states in the United States have seat belt laws and violating them will result in hefty fines. By not buckling your seat belt, you might even end up with a traffic violation on your record. Going without a seat belt is not a good idea, especially when buckling up is fast and easy. Make sure you buckle up each and every time in order to avoid these fines.

5. Your Insurance Is Likely to be Cheaper

If you’re caught driving without a seat belt, your insurance provider will be notified. It could lead them to think you’re a dangerous driver. Many insurance providers will jump at the chance to increase your prices if they believe that you might be a dangerous driver while out on the roads. In the event of an accident, going without a seat belt could even result in you losing your insurance coverage. Your insurance provider might even decline to pay for your damages if you were not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident.

6. You’ll Have a Strong Personal Injury Case

If you’ve been hurt in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you can file a lawsuit with the help of a personal injury lawyer. Sadly, the best lawyer in the world will struggle to prove your case if you were not wearing your seatbelt at the time of the accident. This is particularly true if you live in a state where seat belts are required. In this case, the opposing legal team can and probably will argue that your injuries were caused or exacerbated by your lack of a seat belt. Your case will almost certainly be dismissed.

If you have been injured in an accident and another party was at fault, contact the auto accident attorneys in Michigan at Bashore Green. Regardless, wear your seatbelt on the road to increase your chances of minor (at worst) injuries during an auto accident.

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