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What Happens If My Auto Accident Was Caused By Icy Roads?

What Happens If My Auto Accident Was Caused By Icy Roads?

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Have you been recently injured in an accident on an icy road? If so, you may be eligible for reimbursement for an accident you did not cause. You will want to contact an auto accident lawyer who has five-star Google ratings and a wealth of experience.

Dealing with icy roads is a challenge for any driver.  If you have recently been in an auto accident on an icy road, you may feel that the conditions of the road or the actions of the other driver were to blame. However, when it comes to assigning blame and providing coverage for the accident, your insurance company will naturally want to know all the details involved.

The insurance company that represents you will make a full investigation of all the available facts. These will include, but may not be limited to, the following:

  • What were the conditions of the road at the time of your accident?
  • Can bad weather conditions be blamed for causing this accident and possibly others in the same area and time frame?
  • How fast were you driving at the time you were involved in the accident?
  • Were there others at the scene of the accident who are willing to act as witnesses, whether on your behalf or someone else’s?
  • Is there any photographic evidence that can prove your version of events to be the correct one?

When an insurance company determines fault, all circumstances of the accident are reviewed. This includes factors like inclement weather or bad road conditions. If your car slides through an intersection or into another vehicle, or if you lose control and go off the road because of slick surfaces, you may feel that it is the road and not the driver that is at fault.

Your insurance company may challenge your claim

An auto insurance carrier will likely expect that you as the driver to have kept your vehicle under control despite potentially icy road conditions. Although icy roads can contribute to an accident and no driver can be expected to control the weather, drivers must take extra precautions when driving in these conditions to avoid an accident.

The insurance company may acknowledge that the road conditions bear some of the blame for the accident occurring, but it is the driver who may be faced with an insurance increase. Therefore, it is imperative to have an experienced auto accident attorney on your side to help review your case and determine if you have a case.

Help is available

In many cases, if you have not properly adjusted your driving style to avoid a possible accident, your insurance company will judge you to be at fault. This will be true even if you feel that the true cause of the accident was an icy road or hazardous weather conditions. You need to always keep in mind that your insurance company is in business to take in money via premiums, not pay it out to anyone who asks for it.

An experienced auto accident lawyer in Michigan can help you in understanding the common tricks that insurance companies use to limit or deny your claim. They can help you maximize how much compensation you are able to get from the insurance company.

The team of auto accident attorneys at Bashore Green will fight for you

This does not mean that you simply need to accept the judgment of your insurance company. If you feel that your claim was dismissed or that you were judged unfairly, your best bet is to challenge the decision. You can do so by filing a claim with the experienced team at Bashore Green who has been looking out for the rights of metro Detroit drivers for many years. The sooner you do so, the sooner you can claim the full amount of the damages that you may be owed.

It is important to work with an experienced auto, truck, or motorcycle attorney in southeastern Michigan who works on auto cases daily. They will help your case by assembling all the evidence that you will need to prove that your side of the story is the correct one. For example, if you have committed a clear traffic violation just before the accident, you will usually be held responsible. However, if there was no such violation, you now have a chance to prove that you were unfairly treated by your insurance company.

Contact the team at Bashore Green to learn more about your options. We are here to help you get the compensation you deserve!

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