Injuries Don't Take Days Off.
Neither Do We.
Q&A – How We’re Working for You During the Pandemic

Q&A – How We’re Working for You During the Pandemic

Work From Home

We wanted to give an update to our clients about how we’re operating as a team given that our office is closed to the public and everyone is working remotely. Fortunately, we were set up for this possibility.

We’ve had a few questions from clients already related to the “new normal,” at least in the short term. So below is a Q&A with answers to some of the common questions you may have.

Q: Are you still open?

A: Yes, we are open for business and operational from our home offices throughout southeastern Michigan. This includes our back-office operations such as the processing and mailing of checks. We hope you don’t mind if we stray from our normal dress code at this time though!

Q: Is my case still being handled?

A: Yes, it’s business as usual – with a few changes of course. We are all working normal hours remotely and have set up all of our remote offices just as if we were sitting at our firm offices in Pontiac.

Q: Give a high-level view on the ability of the firm to all work remotely and still get things done for clients. For example, do you have the capability to hold conference and video calls with each other and with clients? 

A: Yes, we are fully functional and capable as we are utilizing the latest technology that is available in video, conferencing, and telework capabilities.

Q: What do you use to share documents securely?  

A: To share any client documents, we imbed with password protection, document encryption and can have anything executed securely via the well-known program, DocuSign.

Q: Are any cases starting to be rescheduled now or are many cases in limbo until this plays out? 

A: The only work being rescheduled is live, in-person hearings or depositions where the courts are not allowing video or telephone hearings.

Q: If a person has a possible injury they want to chat with Bashore Green about, is there a likely delay on how long until it gets situated? 

A: There is absolutely NO DELAY. In fact, we have dedicated one of our professionals just to field calls for new clients and to discuss their injuries/cases at the moment they call in.

We will keep you updated on additional news related to the impact of COVID-19 as needed. For now, contact us as you normally would and we will be in touch!

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