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Delivery Truck Accidents With Motorists Are On The Rise

Delivery Truck Accidents With Motorists Are On The Rise

Motor Vehicle Accidents

It is any driver’s nightmare to get in an accident with a commercial truck. The huge size and weight of the truck can easily lead to catastrophic injuries and fatalities. Claiming compensation for damages can be extremely difficult for injured victims and bereaved families in Michigan to further complicate the issue.

Unfortunately, large-truck accidents around the U.S. have been rising in the past decade. A spike in delivery truck crashes has been reported since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, due in large part to the dramatic increase in e-commerce (purchases from consumers staying at home). Retail corporations and freight companies are also pushing their fleet to fulfill express services such as same-day or next-day delivery.

For ordinary motorists, this could mean a greater risk of getting injured in a truck accident. It is important to be aware of your compensation rights in the event of a serious injury, and what to expect from the at-fault party, which is why you want to hire an experienced auto accident attorney and firm to help you secure the compensation you deserve when someone else is at fault.

Below is some information to help you understand your options if you are injured in a truck accident involving delivery companies like FedEx, UPS, Amazon, and others.

What Happens When a Delivery Truck gets into an accident in Michigan?

Commercial truck accidents are much more complex than regular car collisions. One major difference is that large companies are involved in delivery truck crashes. You will not just be dealing with the truck driver, but also with the cargo company, their insurance carrier, and sometimes even a third-party firm.

Here is a typical scenario soon after your truck collision: A large insurance company may call you, often within a day of the accident. You may be speaking with an insurance claims adjuster or representative who will ask you for details about the crash. They may try to get a recorded statement from you, which would later be used to damage your claim. As we have mentioned before in this blog, contact the auto accident lawyers at Bashore Green before you speak with your or any insurance company.

Meanwhile, the delivery company’s investigators may be quick to start gathering evidence. They will know exactly what to look for and where, be it the truck’s “black box” data, maintenance records, or the trucker’s hours-of-service (HOS) log.

Their early and experienced investigation works to their advantage. Michigan’s No-Fault Law can further complicate the issue, meaning you need the best truck accident representation you can get. The team at Bashore Green investigate the truck accident, determine liability, and work hard to get you the maximum amount of compensation to which you are entitled.

Retail corporations and logistics companies have liability insurance, which should ideally cover your damages in the case of negligence and injury. However, you may find that making an insurance claim against these companies is not straightforward. They may deny liability because of their delivery models, and the fact that not all drivers are employees.

Contact the team at Bashore Green at 248-838-0635 for questions or to learn more.

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