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Thank You To Everyone On The Frontline

Thank You To Everyone On The Frontline

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Since the November 2001 terrorist attacks, there had been a significant amount of renewed respect for military members and first responders. And deservedly so. These individuals put their health, safety, and lives on the line on a regular basis, if not every day.

What the COVID-19 pandemic has shown is that there are many more people willing to put their personal safety on the line. People working low-to-medium income jobs working at restaurants, grocery stores, driving trucks, delivering supplies, and more are now also taking extreme risks. The same is true with our healthcare professionals, from nurses and physicians to EMS personnel.

It’s hard to quantify how much these individuals are at risk. Are funeral directors and postal workers at a higher risk than stay-at-home professionals? Probably. What we don’t know about the virus is scary. So on behalf of the team at Bashore Green, we want to thank everyone who has dealt with these threats on a weekly or daily basis. Thank you to those companies who have switched gears, often at a huge financial cost, to support the COVID response effort. Thank you to those who have done so with insufficient gear at times while doing these jobs.

We’re here to help if you ever are injured or have needs. Even just to talk, ask questions. We’ll listen. Because we want to hear your stories.

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